Groupe InVivo

Welcome to InVivo Whistleblowing Platform !

As an "Enterprise à Mission" we are committed to upholding the rules of our code of conduct as our core ethical values. This platform helps us achieve our goals by letting you report any behaviour that goes against our values, our code of conduct and its application policies, and, more generally, laws & regulations in force.

We assure that your reports will be handled with objectivity, confidentiality, impartiality, and independence. Each report will undergo a fit treatment and will have its own secure mailbox. For more information, please refer to the "Whistleblowing Policy" available on this page.


Your contribution mirrors your commitment to our values and ethics, as well as your dedication to promoting and upholding them.


Thank you very much!

Submit a new report Access an existing report

List of case managers

Director of Risk Management, Internal Audit and Compliance InVivo Group
Director of Human Resources InVivo Group
Manager of the Compliance Department InVivo Group
Manager of the Human Resources Department InVivo Group

Useful documentation

01. Whistleblowing Policy
01. Whistleblowing Policy
02. Privacy Policy
02. Privacy Policy


The use of this platform is fully recognized by InVivo as a bedrock right. By communicating with us directly through it, you help us strengthen our risk management, minimize negative impacts of potential non-compliance situations, and ensure the protection of our employees, activities, and businesses.

This platform enables sincere, reliable, and responsible communication. We are committed to fair, impartial and fit treatment of each report. We will observe the principles of impartiality and independence to the fullest extent possible, as well as the presumption of innocence. These guarantees are essential to InVivo.


We are also committed to maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of the data processed through this platform and prohibiting any form of retaliation or threat of reprisal against those who use it.

Is my report confidential?

Reports are collected and processed in a way that guarantees the strict confidentiality of:

• your identity;

• the identity of the person(s) concerned by the report;

• any third party mentioned in the report;

• the documents, information or data collected in the context the report.

Persons required to know the contents of the report have to take all precautions to maintain the security and confidentiality of documents and information when collecting, processing or storing. They will also be bound by a written enhanced non-disclosure agreement with InVivo.

Can I make an anonymous report ?

You can choose the option of anonymous report. However, we suggest that you disclose your identity, as it will be kept confidential in any circumstances. according to regulations in force.

What happens after a report is submitted?

After submitting a report, the platform generates a unique confidential code that you must keep in order to access your report tracking and secure messaging from the home page.


You will also be informed, of the following, upon receipt of your report :


• the receipt of your report;

• the measures planned or taken to assess the accuracy of your report.

• the estimation of time to take to analyse your report : this time variable and depends on the complexity of the facts reported, both with the nature of the elements you can provide.


All exchanges on the platform are fully encrypted and can be accessed by clicking on the "Access an existing alert" button and entering your confidential code.


Who are the facilitators?

The facilitators assist the whistleblower in his efforts and benefit from the same protections and guarantees as the whistleblower himself. It can be any natural person or any legal person of private law not for profit or controlled by the whistleblower (cf. point "Can I be assisted in my reporting" of the whistleblower policy")

What kind of guarantees and protections for whistleblowers are laid down by the platform?

Beyond ensuring confidentiality, whistleblowers are exempted from criminal liability when they act in compliance with our Whistleblowing Policy, i.e. without direct financial compensation and in good faith. Besides, whistleblowers will not be sanctioned, dismissed or subject to any discriminatory treatement , direct or indirect. For more details, see the point "Am I protected if I submit a report" of the InVivo Whistleblowing Policy.

What situation or behaviour must be reported ?

The following wrongdoings must be reported: a crime, an offence, a threat or harm to the general interest, behaviour no-abiding by laws & regulations, our Code of conduct or its applicable policies.

Who can use the platform ?

All InVivo's employees, former employees, any member, cooperative, shareholder, partner and shareholder, any member of the Group's subsidiaries boards or directors, external and occasional employees working on the sites or on behalf of the Group's entities, co-contractors and subcontractors.

To keep in mind

Each report has its own chat system for sending and receiving messages. This system respects the anonymity if its preferred by whistleblowers.

You will be able to follow your report and communicate with the Referent(s) through the confidential code generated by the platform while the transmission of your report.

The confidential code is stricly personal and may not be transferred at anyone.

Your report will be subject to rigorous analysis and a detailed internal audit.